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ELPAC Next Meeting: March 6 at 6:30 pm Fowler Library
English Learner (EL) Parent Advisory Councils
The English Learner Parent Advisory Council is open to parents/guardians of English learners (ELs) and former English learners (FELs) in Maynard. The purpose of the ELPAC is to promote and support the success of ELs. ELPACs are intended by law to advise the district and schools regarding matters that impact English learners including language acquisition programs, educational opportunities for ELs, and improvement plans as they relate to ELs.
Visit the links below for Department of Secondary and Elementary Education (DESE) information on ELPACs.
ELPAC Para Padres Español:
ELPAC Para Os Pais Português:
ELPAC For Parents English:
For more information, contact our district family liaison, Emilio Torres-Requena, at